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UNIDOGoverno de Moçambiquegef

Chiburre ADPP

ADPP partnered with UNIDO in the promotion of Renewable Energy systems mainly photovoltaic irrigation systems in Tete, Zambezia, and Sofala. These systems targeted rural communities engaged in horticulture, who in the past used traditional methods of irrigation. The adoption of photovoltaic systems improved the smallholder farmers’ productivity as they were able to irrigate larger areas of their cultivated land. Some coordinators and smallholder farmers who used to depend on diesel for fueling their pumps turned to the use of solar powered pumps thus cutting down expenditure costs for purchasing diesel and repairs.

We continue working with UNIDO under the TSE4ALLM where ADPP makes part of the Technical Evaluation Committee alongside other partners like FUNAE, BCI, MIREME, MADER, and UEM.  The role of the TEC is to analyze proposals for the BCI SUPER credit line to finance renewable energy projects for productive activities like water supply, irrigation systems, and agri-businesses in rural Mozambique

”It is interesting to see that some of the projects that were evaluated were able to receive funding and we got the opportunity to visit them and access their progress since inception. AFORAMO, the private water suppliers’ association is one of the project’s success stories where we see the integral use of solar systems for the supply of water. They have registered 60% reduction of costs on electricity after adopting photovoltaic systems”------ Mr. José Chiburre, ADPP and member of the TSE4ALLM project steering committee


The Ministry of Energy elaborates policies about energy including renewable energy iike biogas and photovoltaic systems with the focus of the development of communities. As far as energy is concerned, we prioritize bioenergy together with partners like UNIDO to develop projects that enable communities access energy for productive uses especially to those hard-to-reach places by the national electricity grid. We work with UNIDO to support the implementation of government policies and efforts towards making energy accessible for productive uses in rural Mozambique. The work UNIDO does in the promotion of access to renewable energy in rural areas is very commendable.-----Mr. Issufu Juma, Ministry of Energy and member of the TSE4ALLM project Technical Evaluation Committee