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COMFAR Basic level Training
From Monday 18 April 2022
To Friday 29 April 2022
To Friday 29 April 2022
Hits : 711
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Location Radisson Blue Hotel, Maputo, Mozambique
This week! UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization is delivering a COMFAR (Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Reporting) training to strengthen the capacity of the government, financial service providers, private sector and the academia in Mozambique. As part of the capacity building and knowledge management activities of the Towards sustainable energy for all in Mozambique -Tse4allm project, the COMFAR training was organized by UNIDO with participants from FUNAE, @BCI, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, MADER and MIREME.
It is expected that the training will bring immediate and direct results to increased efficiency of all involved parties during the operationalization of the BCI-SUPER credit line launched in April 2021, in a joint collaboration between UNIDO, BCI and FUNAE.
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Funded by the Global Environment Facility
Training facilitated by Dr. Umesh Menon
It is expected that the training will bring immediate and direct results to increased efficiency of all involved parties during the operationalization of the BCI-SUPER credit line launched in April 2021, in a joint collaboration between UNIDO, BCI and FUNAE.
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Funded by the Global Environment Facility
Training facilitated by Dr. Umesh Menon